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The Advantages of Multi-Language Support in Money Transfers from Australia to India

10 Aug 2023

Indian diaspora is the largest worldwide with over 18 million people. These Indian migrants are living in foreign countries like Australia for work, education, and several other purposes. Most of Indian diasporas residing in Australia earn a living and send money to India from Australia, to support their families financially or fulfill various other needs.

Of these 18 million Indian migrants living in foreign countries over 710,000 are living in Australia making almost 3.1% of its total population, according to a report by BBC.

A report published by NDTV states that the Indian diaspora has been making a significant financial contribution to the Indian economy with the quantum of inward remittances reaching $100 billion in 2022.

When it comes to sending money back to India, you consider many factors before choosing a remittance transfer service provider. These factors include fees, currency exchange rates, speed, safety, service access and availability, and much more. Based on these factors, coupled with your money transfer needs, you choose a service provider.

It is important to consider all of these factors before selecting a service provider, don’t you think?

But there is one factor that you are missing out on when it comes to considering the above-mentioned factors. Do you know what that important factor is?

Well, you will be surprised to know that! It is the multilingual support in a remittance transfer service provider’s smartphone app or its official website.

Having to choose a language that you understand best from the given list of different languages is great support for you while transferring funds.

How does multi-language support in your money transfer from Australia to India help you and what are its advantages are areas this blog aims to cover. Let’s start!

Why is Multi-Language Support in Money Transfers Services Required?

As mentioned earlier, more than 710,000 Indian migrants live in Australia for some of the purposes listed above. In Australia, nearly 400 languages are spoken and understood; the top 6 include English, Cantonese, Mandarin, Italian, Arabic, and Greek. It so happens, that many migrants live in Australia for a long time and since they live in an environment where a specific language is widely spoken, a time comes when they understand that a foreign language is easier for them than their native language.

Think about it!

You would have experienced it yourself during the course of your stay as an Indian migrant. For example, if you are living around a community that speaks English excessively in Australia, you will start feeling more comfortable in this language than other languages. Have you ever experienced it? Well, surely you have.

So, what if you choose a service provider to send funds back to India and the selected service provider offers services in one language that you struggle to understand?

What would you do? Do you seek help from a stranger to help you understand the language at the risk of compromising your sensitive data?

Or, do you spend a lot of time watching YouTube tutorials to understand the said language? No. you don’t do either.

You simply find a service provider that has multi-lingual support in its operations to adjust to your language requirements.

It is in this context that a few remittance service providers add multiple languages to their apps so that customers can choose any language they understand best and can send money back to India easily.

Apart from the wide range of languages to choose from you must also be aware of the top 5 ways to send money to India from abroad, knowing which will help you make an informed decision to select the best way.

Multi-Language Support – A Service Provider’s Perspective

Before counting on the advantages of multi-language support in money transfer services, let’s look at the perspective of the service providers who offer this service feature.

Catering to the Language Needs

You might understand any language other than English which is a globally recognised and understood language. So, a multilingual money transfer app supports you with the language you understand the best.

A Sign of Evolving with Time

Any remittance transfer service provider or any other service provider, for that matter, has to evolve with time to cater to the changing needs. So, adding several languages is a sign that a service provider that you choose to send money from Australia to India online with is evolving with time.

Covering the Entire Australia

Australia consists of several vicinities, each with a different language. Therefore, if a service provider adds multiple languages to their operations, it means that they are on their way to covering the whole of Australia and almost all the languages that are spoken there. 

Wider Reach

With one language a service provider will reach out only to that segment of people that understands and is comfortable with that specific language. People knowing other languages will find other service providers which will shrink the reach of that company that operates in one language only.

Advantages of Multi-Language Support in Money Transfer to India from Australia – Customer Perspective

Listed below are the prime advantages of multilingual support.

  • Multilingual support facilitates communication between the customer and the service provider
  • It can help the service provider retain customers because they feel comfortable in their native language or any other language, they are comfortable with
  • It can offer you support in your native language as well as any language that you can understand best other than your native tongue
  • Not many online money transfer companies have this feature. Only a handful of companies including ACE Money Transfer offer this feature which gives them a competitive advantage
  • Multilingual feature adds to the loyalty of the customers
  • It also satisfies the customers who in their language can better understand the entire process fully
  • With several languages, the service a company offers improves
  • Delays in money transfers are a routine matter. But since the process involves your hard-earned money, you become anxious about the delay. In such a scenario, reaching out to the concerned customer service and discussing the matter in your language can relieve your anxiety
  • You can offer positive feedback due to an inclusive communication
  • It increases customer tolerance towards the company

These are some of the advantages, seen largely from the perspective of the customers, of multilingual support in online money transfers across borders.

Wrapping Up the Discussion

ACE Money Transfer has multi-language support in its remittance transfer operations so if you choose the firm for an online money transfer to India from Australia you will be able to use the firm’s service in the language you understand the best and alongside get live and competitive exchange rates, safety, speed, wider access just for a small fee.


What is multi-language support?

Multilingual support is a kind of customer support that companies and businesses offer to their customers and clients. With multilingual support, a company can interact with its customers in several languages instead of only one.

Why is multi-language support essential in online money transfer services?

Migrants belong to different countries and are mostly not highly educated. This hampers communication as they can understand only a single language. So, for money transfers a multilingual feature can correspond to their language which can help them understand the complete process. 

Why is a multi-language feature required in Australia?

A multilingual feature is required the most in any country where several languages are spoken, and Australia is one such region. Therefore, a multilingual feature in Australia can cover almost all the languages spoken there. 

What are the advantages of multi-language support?

It facilitates communication between the company and customers, increases customer loyalty, helps retain them, adds to satisfaction, helps customers understand the process, invites positive feedback, and so on.  

How do companies benefit from multi-language support features?

Companies get a competitive edge over their competitors, expand business reach, and their customer base swells. Companies can also boost their sales and show that they keep evolving with time to adjust to emerging trends.

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