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How To Secure Your Home Wi-Fi Network as a Ghanaian Expatriate in the UK

26 Sep 2023

What’s the most frequently used and most important gadget in your home? You have surely answered “Router,” and that’s correct. In the modern era, Wi-Fi router takes care of everything from online payments and hotel reservation to ordering food. It’s equally important to consider a secure Wi-Fi connection for every Ghanaian expatriate in the UK who has to make a money transfer from UK to Ghana off-and-on.

You need a moment to think whether your primary source of online interaction, i.e. Wi-Fi, is safe to trust and rely on or not. If you have just moved to the UK from Ghana, you must learn about securing Wi-Fi. 

According to CDR 2022, cybercrime has affected 81.4% of UK organisations annually. 

We have brought the security tips you can follow to accomplish Wi-Fi tasks, i.e. performing a money transfer to Ghana from the UK. Read till the end to secure yourself from cyberattacks in the UK. 

What Are the Important Tips To Secure Your Home Wi-Fi Network?

The only way to prevent access to crackers to your personal data is by securing your Wi-Fi connection. A secure connection will also keep away unauthorised users that negatively affect your internet speed. Let’s see which tips can help you secure your home Wi-Fi network.

Change the Default Router’s Name and Password

Your home Wi-Fi network's name is SSID (service set identifier). In most cases, it’s the name of the manufacturer. A company allows a similar SSID to all the Wi-Fi connections it owns. 

A  common SSID is the easiest way to breach online privacy through the internet. First thing first, change the default SSID to a unique one. 

Your home Wi-Fi is protected by WPA2 security, meaning every new device needs to enter the password to get connection access. It’s in the default setting on every router. To ensure your security, check if it’s active; otherwise, switch it to active in the router’s settings. 

Like SSID, default passwords are also at risk of being easily breached. It’s always a good practice to keep changing it to make unauthorised users or crackers stay away. Don’t keep passwords that are too easy to judge. A password must be hard to guess but impossible to forget. 

If you are interested in knowing about online identity theft, read “The Dangers of Online Identity Theft and How to Protect Yourself While Living in the UK as a Ghanaian Expat.”

Keep an Eye on the Firmware Updates

All the activities of your home Wi-Fi router are controlled by its software, called firmware. It won’t be wrong to call it the security guard of your Wi-Fi connection. Like every software, firmware must be updated consistently to resolve security issues and bug fixes. 

The latest routers update the firmware automatically. You still need to be sure about yours and update it to ensure security. Every time your firmware gets updated, you will receive an alert in your mail regardless of the manual or automatic update. 

If you detect a problem updating firmware, contact your internet service provider. You will probably be asked to download firmware from the manufacturer’s site and direct your router towards it. This extra effort will be worth it when it comes to data protection. 

Use VPNs for Additional Network Security

VPN (virtual private network) has multiple purposes. One of the main goals of a VPN is to provide network security.  Some examples of VPNs are CyberGhost VPN and Norton Security VPN. It hides browsing data, IP address, and other Wi-Fi activity. 

A virtual private network encrypts your data so a hacker can’t know about your location and what you do online. The protection offered by VPN passes through the router. If a cracker gets through the router, you will still have a VPN to protect your data.

All the browsing you do after connecting your computer to the VPN is private. For example, if you are entering login credentials to send money to Ghana online, it is hidden from outside prying. 

Place Your Router in the Middle of Your Home

Most Wi-Fi routers have strong signal strength. Due to high area coverage, anyone outside your home can see the Wi-Fi connection visible on their device. It increases the chances of cracking and makes your data vulnerable. 

A simple and non-technical solution to avoid data breaches is placing a router in the middle of your home. Wi-Fi router being placed at the central location of your home will also improve the signal strength by spreading it evenly in all areas of your home. 

If your home layout doesn’t give you the liberty to move the router to the central location, simply keep it away from the windows. Windows can also be a source of easy internet access for anyone passing by your property. 

Disable Remote Router Access

Remote router access is a router’s function that lets anyone access Wi-Fi from anywhere you have a connection. You should never leave the remote router access feature enabled unless or until you have to use it while away from home. 

Besides being a very convenient option for internet access, it can lead to multiple security issues. The risk of your data being vulnerable due to the remote access feature further increases if you haven’t changed your default login credentials. 

There is a high chance that the remote router access feature must be enabled by default. To disable the remote router access feature, turn it off under the router’s admin settings. 

Keep Yourself Protected with ACE Money Transfer

When you move from Ghana to the UK for earning purposes, you need a reliable payment source to send money back to your homeland. Beware of the fraudulent finance service provider that will eat your amount like it was never there. 

ACE Money Transfer is one of the safest transaction services you can use for online money transfer to Ghana. It offers the best exchange rates at the lowest transaction fees. Moreover, they provide a fee-free transaction if you use their service for the first time. 


How do crackers access passwords?

Crackers can access passwords in multiple ways. One of the most common methods includes accessing the internet and then breaching sensitive data by analysing online activity. 

As a Ghanaian expatriate living in the UK, do I need to secure my home Wi-Fi network?

As a Ghanaian expatriate living in the UK, you must secure your home Wi-Fi network. You need to be careful about making online transactions in your home country and using the internet for other financial purposes. It will protect your sensitive data from breaching. 

Are there any laws in the UK regarding cybercrime? 

Yes, there are many laws in the UK regarding cybercrime. One main cybersecurity act is the 1990 ACT of Computer Misuse. This act protects the online presence of UK residents.

What is the most common cybercrime in the UK?

Hacking of social media accounts is the most common cybercrime in the UK. Usually, small businesses with weak cyber security are at risk of security breaches. 

Do I need to secure my home Wi-Fi network?

Yes, you need to secure your home Wi-Fi network. Otherwise, anyone can access your personal data through your router. Crackers may also use your Wi-Fi connection for cybercrime purposes. 

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