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How to apply for British citizenship?

How to apply for British citizenship?

05 Jan 2022

Are you looking for a way to apply for British citizenship? If you plan to apply for British citizenship, you will essentially need important information about the process that you can find below here. 


There will hardly be someone who will not want to apply for British citizenship, especially when you have the chance. But more important is to know the requirements for the process and the circumstances to relocate to the UK. You don’t have to worry as you can get complete guidelines here, which will make the process easy and smooth for you. 


The UK is where expatriates worldwide go for better education and employment opportunities. Particularly for those looking for a job in the UK, one primary need is managing expenses and sending money back home. After relocating there, people always look for the world’s top online money transfer companies, like ACE Money Transfer. 


Besides the money transfer needs, whatever you must know when applying for British Citizenship is explained below here:


Non-refundable money:- Before you take a closer look at the entire process, it is important to note that the fees you will pay for this process will not be refunded if your application is refused. And also, the processing takes a lot of time. Therefore, be conscious while you study this guide. 


The two costs:- The two main costs that you will incur for applying for citizenship through the process of naturalisation are:

  • Fee for application’s processing; and
  • Fess for the citizenship ceremony. 


The needs:- Here’s what you need if you wish to apply for citizenship through the process of naturalisation. Let’s take a look.

  • You will need to prove the longevity of your stay in the UK as a resident;
  • Qualify the ‘’Life in the UK’’ test
  • Exhibit reasonable command over the English language
  • Prove your good character. That means that you have never been guilty of breaking laws or going bankrupt
  • Provide two referees who will prove and testify to your identity.


Citizenship for children:- It requires a separate application. You can register your child as a British citizen under 18. Registering is like applying for citizenship. It’s easy for children: They don’t have to pass the test, prove command over language, and attend the citizenship ceremony. These conditions are explained under ‘’the needs”. 


Residency requirement:- You will need to prove the time you have lived in the UK, which is the residency requirement. If you have proved it once before, you will need to do it again. The requirements to prove longevity are discussed below. You must know the exact dates when you were in the UK in the last:

  • Three years if you are married or in a civil partnership with a British citizen;  
  • Five years in case if you are not married or in a civil partnership with a British citizen; and 
  • Ensure that you were in the UK on the same day three or five years ago as the day of applying.


Check absence:- You must also know how many days you have stayed outside the UK. Your application stands the chance of refusal if your absence refuses the limit. Count absence for:

  • 12 months before applying; and
  • The 3 or 5 months you have mentioned in your application.

You can only stay outside the UK for a maximum of 90 days in the year before applying. 


Life in the UK Test:- It is mandatory to pass the test by answering questions about UK laws, its legal system, and life in the UK. You can skip the test if you have already passed it before, are under 18 or above 65 years of age, or have a mental or physical condition.


Prove language skills:- You will have to prove your English comprehension and command, but you can skip it if you hail from a country exempted from this condition; you have a degree in English or are under 18 or above 65 years of age. 


Prove character: You must also prove that you bear a good character. The British Home office will look at the following and decide if you are eligible or not.

  • If you have defaulted on your taxes in the UK;
  • In an NHS debt;
  • If you have been declared bankrupt;
  • If you have a serious criminal record; 
  • If you have broken immigration rules in the last ten years; and 
  • If you have been an EEA citizen and residing in the UK without reserving the right to live.


Two referees:- You will be required to provide two referees to prove your identity. Make sure these referees know you personally for the past three years and are not your relatives, your agent or someone employed by the Home Office. These referees should bear good character and can be professional standing or a British passport holder over 25 years of age.


Check application:- It is important to check your application thoroughly before applying. Your application will be rejected if something is missing or wrong.

You can also seek help from an advisor during the process of preparing.


How to apply:- The process to apply for British Citizenship is simple. You can send your application by post or apply online, whichever you find convenient. 


Biometric information:- Regardless of how you have submitted your documents, whether by post or online, make sure they are delivered and that you have provided your biometric information. 


Application Processing Time:- It takes about six months to decide about your application but keep in mind that this period will not affect your rights to live in the UK in the meanwhile.


Biometric information:- After all of this, you will book an appointment with UK Visa and Citizenship Application Services (UKVCAS) to provide your fingerprints and your photos for biometric verification. 

You can travel outside of the UK before you get British citizenship. 


Citizenship ceremony:- On the approval of your application, you will have to attend a citizenship ceremony held at your local council.


Citizenship certificate:- You will have to correct or replace your UK citizenship certificate by applying and paying fees. 


Travelling outside after citizenship:- You will require a British passport to travel outside the UK but make sure the information you provide for the passport is the same as on the citizenship certificate. With a difference in the information in these two documents, you will not get a British passport.


Right to vote:- After you have become a British citizen, you will be eligible to vote in all elections and referendums whenever they take place.


Unsuccessful application: If your application is rejected, the Home Office will apprise you of this in writing and cite reasons for rejection. This will, however, not affect your current stay in the UK. 


Conclusion:- The process of acquiring British citizenship has been explained above. Even if you have further queries or concerns, you can contact ACE’s customer support or find relevant information on the internet readily available for the people searching to find the British Citizenship Application Process.         







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