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5 Tips for Nepalese Expats in Italy to Control Overspending

11 Sep 2024

Moving to a country rich in world-famous cuisine, architecture, fashion, and culture is fascinating. According to recent statistics, thousands of Nepalese have moved to well-developed Italy to earn a living. They earn a good amount in Euros and send money to Nepal from Italy to support their families financially. 

Living in a foreign country comes with a variety of challenges. One significant challenge is managing your finances. Italy's unique and luxurious lifestyle can compel you to spend on things that are not your needs. This blog will provide essential tips to avoid overspending in Italy so you can send money back home regularly.

Signs of Budgetary Mismanagement

First, assess yourself to determine whether you are suffering from the bad habit of overspending. Do you find yourself exceeding your budget regularly? Are you making impulsive purchases, justifying yourself with thoughts like, “I’m working hard in Italy, so I should enjoy life to the fullest?”

Are you struggling to pay for basic needs like rent or utilities because you’ve spent money on non-essentials or luxuries? These are all signs that you might be overspending. You have a right to enjoy your earnings, but unchecked spending can make your financial life challenging.

Why are you Overspending?

It is essential to know the reason behind the habit of overspending. The charm of high-end shops, stylish cafes, and beautiful, mighty buildings may lead you to spend more than your budget. Some emotional factors also contribute to this habit. When you are away from your home, you feel lonely and homesick. To eliminate this stress, you seek comfort through shopping and leisure. Shopping offers temporary relief or happiness but can lead to financial strain. This condition is called "retail therapy". Identifying the cause of overspending is the first step toward handling your finances effectively.

Strategies To Control Overspending

Some beneficial tips can help you eliminate the bad habit of overspending.

Make a Practical Budget

Take a closer look at your income and spending. Start by noting your monthly income after taxes. Next, assess your essential expenses in Italy, including housing, transportation, groceries, and other necessities. Be sure to cut down on non-essential spending so you have enough to send back to your family.

Tracking these expenses will help you manage your finances more effectively and avoid overspending. Also, make saving your habit. Keep 50% for essentials, 30% for non-essentials, and 20% for savings out of your earnings. 

Review and Adjust Budget

Compare your spending to your budget regularly and adjust as needed. This will help keep your finances in check and prevent overspending. 

Switch Pay-Mode: Cash-Only

One effective strategy to control your spending is to use a cash-only payment mode for your purchases. In this way, you have limited money to spend while buying things, and you can keep track of your expenses. Keep enough cash with you for that purchase in your defined budget list. An important point is that you must resist using a debit or credit card when the cash is finished. 

Budget-Friendly Entertainment

Enjoying yourself is essential, and everyone needs a break from routine. Italy is a tempting place to live in.  Although this country is expensive, it offers plenty of ways to enjoy by staying within your budget. Before going out, search for economical places to enjoy in Italy. People think they can’t want enough without breaking the bank, but it is false. Is the experience any less enjoyable if you explore a giant building, a historical museum, or a beautiful local park or visit an affordable cafe instead of expensive outings? Not at all; you just need to shift your mindset. By doing this, you can enjoy your time in Italy while still being able to send money back home to your family.

Invest Instead of Spending on Luxuries

As a Nepalese expat in Italy, you often see a rise in your income over time. It’s human nature to enjoy the occasional success. Have you ever heard of the term “lifestyle Inflation”? It means to increase your spending as your income grows.

Instead of using the extra money for immediate pleasures, make a habit of investing them. First, make a money transfer from Italy to Nepal to support your family back home and cover your expenses in Italy. Then, use any remaining money for investments and savings. Learn to focus on long-term financial stability instead of overspending on temporary luxuries.

Change in Perspective - Think Before Buying

When making a purchase, try to view it from a different perspective. Think about how you earned this money and reflect on what else you could do. This shift in perspective can help you curb the habit of impulsive spending.

Reward Yourself!

Make yourself accountable. At the end of every month, assess the budget list and check whether you followed your budget and made enough savings. If you remain successful, give yourself a treat or a gift. This approach helps maintain the motivation to avoid overspending.

Remember Your Purpose

Always remember why you are living in Italy. Why are you surviving alone in this big country? Keep reminding yourself of the purpose of being an expatriate. It will help you stay focused and prevent unnecessary spending.

Achieve Financial Growth: Effective Spending Tips and Low-Cost Remittance Solutions to Nepal

Follow these tips to take control of your spending. Make the most of your hard-earned money. Your blood, sweat, and tears deserve to be invested wisely. Smart spending will contribute to your long-term financial success. Moreover, when you send money online to Nepal from Italy, choose the right remittance service provider. The right choice will make you save some extra cash. Choose ACE money transfer to send money online with low fees and high exchange rates. 


How can I determine if I'm overspending?

Overspending can be identified if you frequently exceed your budget or struggle to pay for essentials like rent or utility bills because of overspending on non-essential things.

What is "retail therapy," and how can it affect my finances?

Retail therapy refers to the habit of shopping to cope with stress, loneliness, or homesickness.

Which remittance service is best for global money transfer?

When selecting a remittance service, consider fees, exchange rates, and transfer speed. A reliable platform like  ACE Money Transfer can help you save on fees and get competitive exchange rates. 

What are the benefits of setting up a monthly budget?

Setting up a monthly budget helps you gain control over your finances. This allows you to track your spending and savings.

What are some common financial mistakes expats make?

Common financial mistakes expats make include:

  • Underestimating the cost of living.
  • Need to adjust their lifestyle to their income.
  • Not saving enough.
  • Overspending on non-essential items.

It's essential to plan your budget carefully and avoid impulse spending so that you may not fall victim to financial stress.

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