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UK Tax Implications for Remittances: Understanding the Impact on Pakistani Residents

15 Apr 2024

Remittances support expats’ families, contribute to their local economies, and achieve their financial goals. Pakistani residents in the UK need to understand the possible tax consequences when they send money to UK from Pakistan


Being knowledgeable about the tax implications enables individuals to make well-informed decisions. This blog will help Pakistani expats in the UK understand their tax obligations and ensure they coordinate with UK tax regulations.  

Types of Remittances and their Tax Treatment in the UK

Residents of Pakistan living in the UK may receive different kinds of remittances, each having specific tax consequences. These remittances include income from abroad, salaries earned from overseas employment, pensions from foreign schemes, and gifts or inheritances from loved ones.         

Overseas Pensions and Taxation 

These payments are received from a pension scheme established outside the UK, like a state pension program in Pakistan or private pension plans from international employers.

It all depends on the specific type of pension received to determine if they are taxable income in the UK. The standard income tax rates will be applicable if an overseas pension is considered taxable in the UK.   

  • Pensions from Pakistan are usually not subject to taxes in the UK tax system.
  • Private pensions from abroad may differ based on the particular plan and your residency situation.         

Exemptions or Reliefs  

Based on the particular pension plan and the tax treaty between the UK and Pakistan, you might qualify for exemptions or relief from double taxation, which can lower your tax obligations. It is advisable to consult with a tax professional to understand the available choices.         

Salaries from Overseas Employment

This covers salaries, bonuses, and commissions from work outside the UK. These may involve earnings from remote work for international companies or revenue from businesses outside the UK.

In the UK, these are typically considered taxable income for individuals classified as UK residents, regardless of their domicile status. The earnings are subject to the standard income tax rates established by the UK tax authorities.

For Pakistani residents in the UK, it's crucial to consider that money transfers from UK to Pakistan linked to these salaries might be subject to UK income tax if you are classified as a UK resident.      

Exemptions or Reliefs 

Based on your situation, you may be entitled to certain reliefs. The double Taxation Agreement between the UK and Pakistan is designed to avoid double taxation on income. It's essential to seek guidance from a professional tax advisor to determine if you qualify for these exemptions.     

Gifts and Taxation 

This category is about money or assets received from your close ones without expecting reciprocation. Presents may be given by family members, friends, or charitable organizations. In the UK, gifts are typically not taxed, no matter how much you receive.

Inheritance and Taxation 

This is about assets or money inherited from the estate of a deceased individual, usually a family member. When receiving an inheritance in the UK, it may be subject to inheritance tax based on two specific conditions: 

  • If you are considered a UK resident at the time of inheriting the assets 
  • If the assets you've inherited are situated in the UK

After accounting for eligible deductions or exemptions, the inheritance's overall value determines the tax rate imposed.        

Exemptions or Reliefs

Depending on the value of the inheritance and your relationship with the deceased, you may qualify for specific exemptions or reliefs. It's important to seek advice from a knowledgeable tax professional to assess your eligibility and enhance your tax planning techniques.  

Exploring Various UK Tax Residency and Remittance Taxation

Being a tax resident in the UK dictates an individual's tax responsibilities in the country. Three primary categories of UK tax residency exist, each leading to different consequences for remittance taxation.


Read Also: Navigating the Pakistani Banking System: A Guide for Expats Managing Foreign Income.


Tax Implications of Domicile Residency

This refers to your permanent residence or country of birth. If an individual's father was born in the UK or has strong ties with the country, like owning property or living there for a significant period, they are considered domiciled in the UK.


Domiciled individuals residing in a particular location are typically taxed on their global income, including money from other countries. Non-domiciled individuals who are ordinary residents may be subject to varying tax regulations based on their ordinary residence status and participation in the remittance basis scheme.    

Ordinary Residency and Tax Implications 

If you spend more than 183 days in the UK in a tax year, you are considered ordinarily resident in the UK. Ordinarily, residents in the UK are taxed on all their income, including money sent from abroad.   

Other Residency Tests and Taxation 

In addition to the standard residency tests, there are rare instances where different tests may be applicable. Two tests to determine tax residency status are:

  • the automatic overseas test for those having weak ties with the UK but having strong ties to another country.
  • the split-year test for individuals spending significant time in the UK and another country.

The specific test and its impact on remittance taxation depends on the individual's circumstances. During these circumstances, it's essential to consult with experts who can help navigate the complex evaluations of your residency status and its effects on remittances.

Leveraging Benefits for Remittances to Pakistan

Understanding your tax residence status is important when you send money online to Pakistan from UK. How your remittances are taxed depends on your specific situation, such as your domicile status, residency tests, and other factors. The tax treaty between the UK and Pakistan could provide advantages such as lower withholding tax on specific remittances.


Nevertheless, tax regulations and treaties may undergo modifications. Staying informed about any updates that could affect your remittance taxation is crucial. You can accomplish this by keeping an eye on government websites, getting expert advice, or talking to experienced tax professionals. Remember that having precise information and advice can assist you in maximizing your financial choices and staying in line with UK tax laws.


Are there specific reporting obligations for individuals who receive remittances in Pakistan?

Residents in Pakistan might need to disclose foreign income, such as remittances, to tax authorities. Make sure to understand the reporting obligations and deadlines to prevent incurring any penalties.

Can individuals in Pakistan who receive remittances receive tax credits for foreign taxes paid in the UK?   

Under specific conditions, tax credits for foreign taxes paid in the UK could be accessible. Seek advice from tax professionals in both countries to grasp the requirements and steps for claiming these credits.

How does the origin of funds affect the taxation of remittances in Pakistan?

The origin of funds can impact how remittances are taxed. Depending on the source of the online money transfers from UK to Pakistan, the tax implications can differ. It's best to consult with a professional to understand the tax consequences related to the origin of funds.

Are there any particular factors to consider when sending business-related remittances from the UK to Pakistan?

Business-related remittances may involve specific tax implications. Business owners and individuals engaged in such transactions should seek advice from tax professionals to manage the intricacies of cross-border business remittances.   



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