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What Does a Pending Transaction Mean?

12 Dec 2024

Do you know what pending payment means and why it occurs while making an online money transfer? A pending transaction means an incomplete transaction. Pending transactions are a frequently occurring issue many people suffer while making online transactions. Digital payment marketing is rapidly growing because it has made money transactions easier and more feasible. In 2024, the digital payment market reached US$11.55tn. This number will increase to US$16.62tn in the upcoming year. This huge number shows people's comfort when choosing online money transfer services.

While making online transactions, people often see a tab of pending transactions. There can be multiple reasons for a pending payment. The awaiting payment shows the current status of your transaction. It occurs when the process transaction initiates but doesn't reach the completion status. There may be different reasons and purposes for pending payment, such as low balance, technical problems, or identification issues. Explore the article to learn what a pending transaction means and how to resolve it:

What is the Meaning of a Pending Transaction?

A pending transaction refers to a condition where a sender initiates the payment process but it doesn't reach completion. There can be many statuses, reasons, and causes for this problem. Often, while using digital wallets to make online transactions, individuals face payment pending problems, but they cannot fully understand what it means when a payment is pending. It shows the incomplete status of your payment. It may also take some time to complete the payment process.

  • A pending transaction means you need to reconsider our payment methods.
  • It means you must wait until the process is complete
  • It may mean that the app is waiting to connect with your digital wallet
  • It may also indicate a failure of the transaction or a transaction pending but with a money deducted error.

Common Scenarios for Pending Transactions

You may see a pending transaction notification in different scenarios. The most common scenarios for pending transactions are:

Online Purchases

While making online purchases from online shopping apps, you may face pending payment issues. Nowadays, most of the things have gone online. You can order food, go to a grocery shop, pay bills, or make a money transfer to relatives online. So, this issue can occur anytime while using online shopping/services apps.

Bank Transfers

Individuals often face payment pending issues while making bank transactions. While paying your bills or taxes, a payment pending message may appear on your screen, leading to an unsuccessful transaction.

Credit Card Payments

The issue of pending payment is not restricted to digital wallets or banking applications; it can also occur while you try to make transactions using your credit card. The cause can be a network error or a low credit balance, which makes your transaction unsuccessful.

When Pending Transaction Occurs?

A pending transaction occurs when a person uses a digital wallet or online means to pay for the services. A pending transaction but errors regarding the money deducted may occur while sending money online using:

  • Digital wallets like Google Pay or Apple Pay
  • Banking Applications
  • Credit card transactions

Reasons Behind Pending Transaction

Most people need help determining the reasons for pending transactions and what transaction pending means. The following are the most common reasons behind a pending transaction:

Verification Delays

Before you can transfer money from your digital wallet to the required app/service, you need verification. It can be in the form of an OTP or fingerprint. Delays in entering verification codes or identification problems can result from unsuccessful payment. Mobile wallets or microfinancing apps use high-end technology to ensure funds transferring security. So. problematic verification can cause payment delay or pending.

Bank Processing Times

A pending transaction means that the app is verifying or proceeding with your transaction process. Sometimes, when you make a payment, your digital wallet or banking app takes a lot of time to complete the transaction. It can be due to slow internet or a down server. Meanwhile, during processing times, you will see a pending transaction message.

System Maintenance

Another reason for pending payment messages is system maintenance or faulty servers. It can be from any side, such as the baking or shopping apps. If there is a problem with the system maintained from the receiver side, you can only send money online to them once the issue is resolved. Similarly, if any of your apps are not working or are under maintenance, you will see a message of pending payment, no matter how many times you retry to send money.

Incomplete Information

Sometimes, errors in entering recipient details or payment amounts can cause delays. If you skip any of the fields required to complete the payment process, you can have an unprocessed transaction.

Peak Periods

Another common reason for pending payments is peak periods. Sometimes, you suffer from unsuccessful money transfers due to peak times. Usually, on holidays or occasions when many people try to make transactions simultaneously, the apps may crash or result in payment pending or transaction pending but money deducted.

Slow Internet Connection

Most of the time, you can not proceed with your transactions due to slow internet or a down app. This is because the consumer app becomes unable to access your account for payment deduction. Due to constant waiting, either the OTP expires, or you need more time to make a clear payment.

Reach the Maximum Limit

Another common reason for unsuccessful payment is when you need a daily transaction limit. In such cases, you must wait at least 24 hours to access your financial account. Most of the banks and digital wallets have daily limits for sending money. However, if you exceed the limit, you won't be able to make further transactions for a specified duration.

Low Balance

Pending payment means that the receiving app cannot access your financial account due to a low balance. Your transaction process will remain unsuccessful if you don't have a sufficient balance per the transaction requirements. Always ensure you have equivalent or more money than required for a successful transaction.

Unusual Account Activity

If you try to send larger amounts of money to someone, you may need to complete your payment process. Usually, transferring apps has a limit, and you cannot exceed that. Companies like ACE Money Transfer offer unlimited transactions. Furthermore, if the banking app supervises any unusual account activity, like money laundering, it will cancel your payment process, leading to the failure of the transaction.

Unauthorized Application

Pending of payment can be the result of an unauthorized application. To ensure security purposes, many microbanks and funds-transferring apps use protocols to ensure the IP of the receiving site. In case of an unauthorized, fake, or faulty website, the app will discontinue your payment process.

How Long Does it Take to Resolve the Issue of Pending Payment?

If you are struggling to know how long pending transactions take to clear, you must find out the transaction method and issue:

  • If you use a bank account or digital wallet, the issues will be resolved within 48 hours.
  • If the problem is due to a lack of balance, you must retry after reaching a maximum balance.
  •  If the error occurs due to a down server or bad internet connection, you must wait until the connection regains speed.
  • If the payment is pending due to a technical issue, you must wait a working day to resolve the issue.
  • If you exceed the limit, you must wait 24 hours until the new limit begins.
  • Sometimes, it might only take a few seconds to update the status from pending for payment to successful payment.

What does it mean when a payment is pending but money is deducted?

Often, individuals complain that they have been notified of a transaction pending but that money has been deducted. It can be due to several issues, so you must tackle them with patience. Sometimes, the exact amount is deducted from your digital wallet while your payment status remains pending. It can happen due to the following reasons:

  • Network error
  • Application problem
  • App not refreshed
  • Technical problem

How to Resolve it?

  • Your digital wallet immediately sends you a message whenever an amount is deducted. You can use that particular message as proof to talk with your merchant.
  • Refresh the app
  • Try to set it to another internet connection
  • Wait for a while until the app resolves the issue of pending for payment

How to Cancel the Pending Transaction?

Individuals try to cancel the pending transaction, but it may not be possible in all conditions. If you proceed with the payment by providing all the information, the banking app and the racing app already receive the security code so that they may access the money anytime. Trying to cancel the pending transaction may result in the deduction of money and the cancellation of the request. So, always be patient when dealing with pending payment issues. However, in some cases, you can cancel the request by:

  • Reaching out to the receiver or seller for cooperation
  • Notifying your bank branch about the cancellation
  • Communicate with the seller or receiver for confirmation if the transaction pending but money deducted.

How do we resolve the issues of pending Transactions?

You can resolve pending transaction issues by identifying the cause of the delay. Keep tracking your payment and read more to learn how to track your online money transfer. The following precautions will help you to avoid pending transaction issues:

Verify Payment Details

Always verify your payment details. Check twice that you entered the receiver's right details. Ensure you instantly verify the OTP, code, or link for a timely transaction.

Use Trusted Platforms

To avoid pending transaction issues, one must always use a trusted platform to send money. Consider using secure mobile banking apps. Use ACE Money Transfer to transfer funds because it's a legal service. Moreover, ACE uses advanced technology to provide its users with real-time transactions. There are fewer chances for the occurrence of issues like pending payment while using ACE. However, if an error occurs, ACE's 24/7 service will help you resolve the problem. Read more to learn about the ACE app's security, speed, and convenience. Always use secure banking and shopping apps and check their authenticity before buying.

Monitor Account Activity

Ensure the proper functioning of your financial accounts. If you encounter a problem, contact customer service for help resolving the issue. Make sure your account servers are working properly before proceeding with a payment. Regulating and updating your accounts will help you keep a check on payments.

Use Secure Internet

Another crucial thing is to ensure a stable internet connection. Try to use a personalized internet connection. Usually, due to slow internet, a glitch occurs when payment is pending. It becomes difficult to refresh the app, and it keeps showing the same status, causing anxiety for the sender that the transaction is pending but money has been deducted. Use a VPN to secure the network and avoid glitches.

Ensure Having Maximum Balance

Ensure a maximum balance in your accounts to avoid cancellation or pending payment. Low balances often cause confirmed transactions to stay pending. So, always check your account balance before processing transactions.

Check the Limit of Your Transaction 

Check the limit of your bank accounts. Often, digital wallets have daily or monthly transaction limits, which can cause pending payments. So, ensure you have enough limits to make a successful transaction. Moreover, sometimes, problems occur because of large transactions. Try to transact money in fractions to overcome the issues.

Follow Transaction Rules

Detection of suspicious or illegal activities may also cause problematic transactions. This occurs to maintain security concerns. Digital wallets and mobile apps like ACE Money Transfer use high-security protocols to ensure the successful completion of a transaction. Therefore, follow the security protocols to avoid pending payments.

The pending payment issue occurs when an individual initiates a transaction, but the process still needs to be completed. Sometimes, it just takes a few seconds for the payment to clear. However, it might take more than a day in some cases. The reason for payment pending issues can be slow internet, invalid authentication, low balance, exceeding the transaction limit, or technical fault. So, always deal with your transactions carefully and use reliable money-transferring apps to avoid problems.

Troubleshooting Pending Transactions: Tips for Smooth Digital Payments

People often face the problem of pending payment while making a transaction or buying services. A pending transaction means the app is working to access the money or has failed. In both cases, either you have to wait for the status update or retry to pay through your wallet. Always wait some time and refresh your app because it can also be a technical error. Moreover, it may occur due to insufficient account balance, interrupted connection, or technical issues with the app or digital wallet.

Always make transactions when the internet connection is stable. Use reliable mobile apps or digital wallets for transactions. If you want to send money online, opt for services like ACE Money Transfer because it's highly secure, and there are few chances of such problems. Moreover, ensure that your digital wallets and sending/receiving apps are working properly. Check if you have the limit of making a successful transaction. If nothing works, stay calm, refresh the app and digital wallets, and let the issue get resolved manually. You must know how long pending transactions take to clear, which is a minimum of 24 hours and a maximum of 48 hours for resolving such problems. If nothing works, communicate directly with the seller and report the issue to your account manager.


What is the meaning of payment pending?

Payment pending means your money transfer has been unsuccessful, meaning the process still needs to be completed.

What do you do when money is deducted but payment is pending?

Refresh your transaction app and digital wallet if money is deducted, but payment is pending. Communicate with the merchant or receiver, report the problem to the account manager, and wait two days to resolve the issue.

What are the reasons for pending payments?

There can be numerous reasons for pending payment, such as internet interruption, technical problems, exceeding the transaction limit, or a low account balance.

What are the best remittance transfer services?

Online remittance transfer services like ACE Money Transfer are among the best. They offer a highly competitive exchange rate and low transaction fees and support instant money transfers.

How do we resolve the problem of pending payment?

Check your internet connection, ensure you have a minimum account balance, and wait a day or two to resolve the problem. If nothing works, access the customer service of your digital wallet and communicate with the receiver/merchant.

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