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Study Abroad Programs 2023 for Gambian Students - All You Need to Know

Study Abroad Programs 2023 for Gambian Students - All You Need to Know

23 Dec 2022

The world is facing severe economic crises. Developed countries are not much affected by the harsh effects of wealth changes, but developing countries like the Gambia have to face a lot. Students are not even getting the basic right to quality education. In this economic pandemic, governments have come together to provide students with financial aid and a platform to go in front and perform. Knowing about these study programs will open countless opportunities for you, and you can send money to Gambia to support your family after making a great deal overseas. In this blog, let’s briefly discuss the scholarship programs offered in 2023 so that you can benefit from them.

List of Study Abroad Programs for the Gambian Students in 2023

Following list of foreign scholarships and study programs provides helpful information for all those Gambian students who desire to study abroad.

Japan Spring Culture Camp 2023 (Scholarship Opportunity)

Japan spring culture camp scholarship is open for Gambian students. It offers scholarships in limited programs (in the field of Japanese) like Japanese art and Japanese studies. The deadline for applying for the scholarship is 31 December 2022.

This program has been ongoing since 2015 and enables students to learn about Japanese culture. It is the best way of experimental learning and enhancing your abilities.

Eligibility Criteria

The following are the requirements for the scholarship mentioned above program.

  • Applicant must be between 15 to 35 years of age
  • Students from all nationalities are welcome
  • Applicant should have good reading and writing skills. 
  • Familiar with social media and at least have accounts on two different platforms
  • Applicants should be physically and mentally fit.

Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) SeNSS 2023

Economic and social research council (ESRC) SeNSS 2023 is open for Gambians and students of multiple nationalities. This scholarship is offered by the university of Kent, a public research university based in kent. It provides scholarships in higher education, like PhD level programs in multiple programs. It covers business and management, linguistics, social policy, politics, science and technology, international studies, and sociology. The deadline for application submission is 20th January 2023.

Eligibility Criteria

To get a fully funded scholarship and be part of the prestigious university, you must sort out this.

  • You should have a bachelor's level degree.
  • Students from all nationalities are welcome.
  • Applicant should have good reading and writing skills.
  • Applicant should be medically fit.

After enrolling in a study abroad program, you may look for a reasonable part-time employment opportunity to manage your expenses in a foreign country. It will also enable you to extend financial support to your family back home. For this purpose, ACE Money Transfer is right there at your disposal to let you make an instant, secure, and economical online money transfer to Gambia from overseas.

Rotary Club of Bundaberg Sunrise Scholarship 2023

Rotary Club of Bundaberg sunrise scholarship 2023 is a gateway for all Gambian and students from other nationalities. This program is offered by central Queensland university and offers bachelor's and master's level degree programs. The deadline for the application submission is 30th January 2023.

The scholarship program offered by CQ university will provide full financial assistance and recognition to newly admitted undergraduates or postgraduates.

Eligibility Criteria

To get into the Bundaberg sunrise scholarship rotary club, aspirants should meet the following criteria.

  • They should be enrolled at CQ university. 
  • They should have an undergraduate or postgraduate degree in education or learning management.
  • Should have a residential postcode within the Bundaberg region.
  • All required documents should be attached at the time of application submission. Incomplete records will be considered incomplete applications.

European Master in Law and Economics Scholarship 2023

European master in law and economics scholarship 2023 is open for all Gambians and students of different nationalities. Erasmus University Rotterdam offers this scholarship program. It allows students to reach master's levels in law, economics, and governance. The deadline for this scholarship program is not yet specified. 

ERASMUS funds the European master in law and economics scholarship in 2023. This program supports the educational rights of low-lying families and empowers youth by training them. This program has offered life-changing experiences to more than 10 million people in the last three decades. Due to this program, many students work abroad, earn, and do make money transfers to Gambia to support their families. It has a seven-year cycle and continues facilitating the world for this period. University aims to provide a higher level and advanced education in law and economics.

Detailed and informed research is done to evaluate legal rules' and economic viewpoints' strengths and weaknesses. It provides students with advanced knowledge of law and economics.   

Eligibility Criteria

There are no specified eligibility criteria for this scholarship. However, contacting the specified university’s administrative officer and getting complete information before applying is recommended.

If you enroll in a program through European Master in Law and Economics Scholarship, you have ample opportunities to make a bright career. With reasonable earnings through a progressive employment abroad, you can send money to Gambia online and support your family as well as add to your country’s economic stability.

LION Scholarship 2023 - MSc Program in Physics

LION scholarship 2023 - MSc program in physics is open for Gambian and all international students. This program is offered by Leiden university (a public research university in the Netherlands)  and provides master-level programs in the field of science and physics. The deadline for the scholarship is 01 February 2023.

All the scientists of the LION program desire to add something to the history of the world. The Leiden institute of physics provides this scholarship. About 10% of the scholarship aspirants are provided scholarships based on academic merit.

Each scholarship values at around 6000 euros annually and refreshes for the second year if you keep a good performance.

Eligibility Criteria

A Bachelor’s degree in Physics is required to secure admission in this scholarship program. The scholarship is available for every nationality except Non-Dutch nationals.

Think Big Undergraduate Awards 2023

Think big undergraduate awards 2023 are open to all Gambian and international students. The university of bristol offers this scholarship program. Bachelor-level programs in fall fields are offered. The deadline for the submission of the application is 27th February 2023.

This scholarship program is best for Gambian students who want to study in the UK and make their future here. When students' financial problems are sorted out, they can focus on working hard and eventually send money to Gambia to their families. It provides advanced education that inspires you and prepares you to face challenges.

Studying in prestigious universities around the world encourages students to think out of the bubble and thrive on experiencing the best in the future.

Scholarships that are provided to students range from 6,500 pounds to 13,000 pounds annually. This payment can only be used to waive the tuition fees. However, a separate amount of 3,000 pounds can be taken as a living cost during the first year of education.

Eligibility Criteria

You are eligible for the think big undergraduate scholarship if you.

  • Are a foreign student and can not afford university fees for some described reasons
  • Have basic learning and adapting skills.

Bottom Line

This brief guide covers study abroad educational programs for Gambian students. If you have the true will inside of you, there are many ways by which you can convert your dreams into reality. Consistency and research for the wanted thing are all you need to do. If you are eligible for any of the above-mentioned scholarship programs, apply for them without delay, as the dates are counting backwards.

This could be your chance to step into your professional career as an entrepreneur and transfer your dreams into reality. Start working on it today. Tangling scholarships can be very difficult, but if you rely on the right source, things are relatively easy. ACE Money Transfer is the best money-transferring app online. It has the most convenient controls that will ease your way. When you start earning in a foreign country, each money transfer to Gambia that you make will keep lifting your family’s life standards and contribute to your country’s economic success.


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