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Spanish Passport Renewal Made Easy: A Guide for Expats in Spain

29 Jan 2025

Do you know the process of expat passport renewal in Spain and why it is necessary to maintain an online money transfer? Spain is a well-developed country that offers a high quality of life and is a popular immigrant choice. Many people move to Spain to get higher education, find better job opportunities, or explore the world. As per statistics for 2024, around 8,915,831 foreigners live in Spain, which makes up 18.3% of the Spanish population. For expats, it is necessary to have an updated and valid passport to live in Spain. An expired passport can cause severe problems, so renew it on time.

Without a Spanish passport, you cannot enter or exit the country. A Spanish passport is usually valid for up to 10 years. Always apply for approval at least 6 months before its expiry so you can have an updated passport without any delays. Expats must reach out to the Spanish embassy services to renew their passports. Expats must learn the renewal criteria and bring essential documents to avoid problems. Let's have a detailed look at the Spanish passport renewal:

Why Renew Your Spanish Passport as an Expat?

Your passport is your identity, and without it, you cannot travel or access public services like employment, education, healthcare, and banking services. An updated passport is your identity that you are living legally in a foreign country while abiding by all the rules. Expat passport renewal in Spain requires proper documents, so visit the Spanish embassy website to learn about the criteria.

Eligibility Criteria for Spanish Passport Renewal

A country only issues a passport to its citizens at birth or naturalization. Immigrants who have residency permits or temporary stays can also access their passports. So, if you are an immigrant, have a residency permit, or have Spanish citizenship, you are eligible for passport renewal. Expats must be extra careful while applying for passport renewals and must learn the Spanish process.

When Can You Renew Your Passport?

The renewal of a Spanish passport depends upon the situation. These passports are valid for 10 years, so you can renew them 6 months before the expiry or in the following cases:

Lost or Stolen Passport

If you have lost or stolen your passport, you must report the case to the embassy and submit your renewal application. Ensure that the problem is reported on time because a stolen passport can be used for criminal purposes. Therefore, to avoid such cases, immediately submit your passport renewal form to the Spanish passport office. 

Name/Info Changes

Expats living in Spain must ensure they have the correct accommodation. If you have a minor spelling mistake or any other error in your Spanish passport, you must request passport renewal. Sometimes, a name spelling problem, wrong address, or ID can be problematic. In such issues, it is mandatory to renew your Spanish passport.

Damaged Passport

If you accidentally damaged your passport, but it is somehow readable, you can renew it by submitting a Spanish passport application as it evolves in simple steps. However, if the damage is severe, you may need to provide further documentation for the renewal.

Essential Requirements for Spanish Passport Renewal

Before renewing their passports, individuals must learn the process and requirements of the Spanish government. Ensure fulfilling the following criteria before applying for the renewal:

Valid Identification

The first step in renewing a passport is to prove your identity. There are numerous ways to verify identity, such as through the Spanish National Identity Card (DNI). Renewing passports in Spain requires proper verification, which is not possible without a DNI. If you have lost the DN, renew it first to get a passport.

Proof of Residence

Whether you need to obtain a new passport or renew one, you must have proof of residency. Expatriates usually have temporary residency, so proof of residency is essential for renewing a visa. Proof of residency can be in the form of tax or bill payment slips.

Passport Photos

Always bring photos of your recent passport size to renew your passports in Spain. Also, check the photo requirements on the embassy page. Usually, it has the following criteria:

  • High quality
  • Neytarl expression
  • Plain white background


To renew your passport, you must pay a specific fee based on the type of passport used by the embassy. The cost for each type varies, for example, 36 Euros for a regular passport with 5 years of validity. This fee fluctuates and depends upon the expat's hometown.

Process for Renewing Your Spanish Passport as an Expat

Rewning the passports in Spanish follows simple steps. Here is the detailed list of documents required for Spanish passport renewal:

Gather Required Documents

The first and crucial step is to gather all the documents. It includes identity documents such as:

  • A valid CNIC called DNI in Spanish
  • Proof of residence
  • Recent passport-size photos
  • Payment for the renewal fee

If you need to make any changes to the passport, such as changing your name or address, you must attach additional changes and supporting documents related to the changes.

Book an Appointment

After gathering the documents, the next step is to book an appointment. You must book an appointment in a nearby passport office for renewal in Spain. Tyr is booking a point early so you can get your new passport on time. The best thing is to book an appointment online. It reduces the struggle of visiting the offices to renew passports in Spain.  

Visit the Passport Office

Once you book the appointment, ensure that you visit the passport office on the required day and time. Ensure that you bring the essential documents with you. To complete the process, you must fill out the renewal form, which requires your personal information. Carefully fill out the form and avoid making mistakes. Check it twice to find errors. The error may lead to the formation of a wrong passport.

Stay Patient During Processing Period

After submitting your documents to the Spain passport office, you must wait for the process to be completed. It usually takes 10 to 15 working days to issue a new passport. The processing period may vary depending on different factors, so stay patient. In case of extreme delays, you must contact customer service.

Collect Your New Passport

You will be informed once it is renewed. Ensure you collect the passport on time. Bring your identification documents with you for identity verification and passport collection.

Essential Consideration for Smooth Passport Renewal Experience

For smooth passport renewal, you must follow the below tips and carefully proceed with your Spanish passport application:

Organize Your Documents

Documents are essential for proceeding with the passport renewal process. To ensure a smooth process, you must organize your documents properly. Double-check the requirements and ensure that you are following all the instructions.

Book Your Appointment Early

Never delay booking your appointment. The more you delay, the later you will get your passport. A late passport can be problematic, and you will be unable to access many services. Booking your appointment early will help you avoid long waiting times.

Monitor Your Passport’s Expiry Date

Renewing your passport on time is necessary to overcome delays. Check your passport’s expiration date so you can book the renewal appointment on time. Learn how to renew your Spanish passport to avoid facing challenges and delays.

Consider Emergency Renewal Options

Expats must also learn how to get emergency passport renewals. The Spanish passport embassy also supports emergency passport renewal options. You must have a valid reason. The payment for emergency renewal will be changed. If your emergency passport request is accepted, you will get it as soon as possible.

Challenges for Expats While Rewnweing the Passport

Although making passports follows a simple process, there can be challenges for expats, such as:

  • To renew a passport, expats must access Spanish embassy services. The Spanish embassy may be located in distant areas, which can be challenging for expats. However, you can overcome this problem by accessing the embassy services online.
  • Booking an appointment can be time-consuming, and you may have to wait a long time to get one. During peak times, the demand for slots can be high, making it difficult to get an appointment. Appointment delays can lead to expired passports, complicating travel and legal processes.
  • Delays in processing time or Spanish passport applications can also be an issue. Delays may also occur during peak seasons, so expats may face extended waiting times.
  • High renewal costs can also be a challenge for expats. This cost affects the budgeting of expats.
  • Urgent traveling with a short time for renewal can also be an issue.
  • Complex documentation requirements and biometrics can also be another challenge.

Difference between Citizen's Passport and Expats Passport Renewal

There can be a significant difference between Spanish citizens and expats' passport renewal.

  • Spanish citizens can renew their passports in any nearby office. However, expats have to renew their passports at Spanish embassies.
  • The Spanish passport renewal process is time-consuming for expats due to international coordination and identity verification. However, Spanish citizens can get their passports within 15 days.

Spanish Embassy Services

Spanish embassies offer the following services to the expats such as:

  • Psopot renewal
  • Rediscny permit
  • Help with marriage, birth, or death registrations’
  • Legal services

Passport Requirements for Expats in a Foreign Country

Having an updated and valid passport is necessary for expats living in foreign countries. Renewing passports in Spain helps individuals access many services on time. Having a passport is essential for many purposes, such as:

Traveling Abroad

Having a passport is necessary for traveling abroad. Without a Spanish passport, you cannot exit or enter the country.

Legal and Official Identification

Your Spanish passport is your identity; without it, you cannot access Spanish law and other facilities. You may need to show your passport to traffic police officers, healthcare officers, and insurance agents. It is your official identity and a permit to stay in Spain. Moreover, with an expired passport, you won't be able to access Spanish embassy services.

Employment and Work Permits

To access the job market in Spain, the expats must have a valid passport. The Spanish companies require your passport number to keep the employee's record. In Spain, only citizens and passport holders can get a work permit. So, to apply for a job or renew a work visa or permit, expats may need to provide their passports for verification.

Healthcare Services

Accessing free healthcare services requires identity proof, for which you must have a valid passport. A passport is an essential requirement in countries like Spain. Whether you have to book travel or get insurance, you must have a passport.

Read more about expat health insurance.

International Banking

Having a bank account nowadays is essential to manage your finances. Expats need to access international banking to stay connected with their families. Renewing one's passport in Spain is necessary to access banking services. Whether you need to apply for a loan or open a bank account, it is necessary to have an updated bank account. 

Accommodation and Rental Agreements

Having a passport is necessary for accessing accommodation. In Spain, you must have a valid passport to rent out a house or book any accommodation. Every owner requires your passport number to keep the record. 

Read more about how to find affordable housing options while working abroad.

Remittance Transactions

Expats have a direct connection with remittance. They have to send money online to their families frequently for different purposes. Legal remittance services and banks require a valid passport to proceed with your payment. Therefore, expats must know how to renew their Spanish passports. You can access all the services like a Spanish citizen with a passport.

Spain is a well-developed country offering standard living. Many immigrants live in Spain to achieve a better life by finding good jobs. In the lives of expats, passports play a crucial role. To live in Spain, expats must have a Spanish passport. However, most expats lack information about the renewal of their passports. Usually, the Spanish passport is valid for up to 10 years, but there can be many reasons for renewal. Expats must book an appointment at the Spanish passport office and bring the necessary identity documents. After paying the fee, you can submit your application and get your renewed visa.

Expat Guide: Hassle-Free Passport Renewal in Spain!

For expats living in Spain, having a valid passport is necessary to access public services like booking residences, accessing healthcare departments, creating a bank account or to send money. Without a valid passport, your stay will be considered illegal and you may suffer legal challenges and allegations. Therefore, it is necessary to follow expat tips for passport renewal when living in Spain. Your Spanish passport is your identity, and passport checking is compulsory at the airports, which means you cannot book any flight without having a passport.

Expats can easily renew their passports in Spain by knocking on the door of the Spanish embassy. You can visit the embassy or book a renewal appointment online. Always try to book the renewal appointment at least 6 months before the expiry. After booking your appointment, ensure you have documents such as CNIC, passport-size pictures, and residency proof. Visit the passport office on the required day and submit your application. After proceeding with the Spanish passport application, you must wait at least 15 days to get your new passport.


Why do you need a passport?

Your passport represents your identity. It represents your ocnnection with the country and reason of stay. Without a passport you cannot enter or leave a country. Moreover, it is necessary to have a passport to avoid illegal claims and access public facilities like banking, healthcare, education, and employment.

How can expats renew their passports while living in Spain?

Expats can renew their passports by contacting the Spanish embassy. You can request your renewal appointment online or visit the passport office. Provide your essential documents and identity proof to renew your passport.

How much time and fees are required for renewing a passport?

The time and fee for renewing passport depend upon different factors such as type of passport, purpose, and duration. Usually, it takes at least 15 days however, you can also request an emergency renewal, which will have a different fee.

What happens when you lose your passport?

If you lose your passport, you won't be able to leave the country, plan a tour, or access the job market. It is necessary to report the complaint to the police office and request renewal.

Is it possible to make a remittance transfer without a passport?

Making a remittance transfer from Spain without a passport can be challenging. All the banks and registered remittance services require a passport for the identity verification of the sender.


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